Non-Repayable Contributions
NEDC has partnered with several organizations to offer Indigenous entrepreneurs with non-repayable contributions.
NRT Equity Match Program
NEDC has partnered with New Relationship Trust to offer equity matching contributions to Indigenous entrepreneurs from BC First Nations (including community businesses) to assist with meeting their equity requirements. These funds are intended to assist with the support, expansion, or modernization of businesses within BC. The NRT Equity Match offers entrepreneurs up to $7,500 and community businesses up to $25,000 with a non-repayable contribution. It requires that the equity match does not exceed 25% of eligible project costs and it must be offered in conjunction with financing.
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Business Equity Program (ABFP)
NEDC has partnered with NACCA to offer non-repayable contributions of up to $99,999 to entrepreneurs and up to $250,000 to community businesses to assist with the capital, marketing and operating costs of establishing, expanding or acquiring a business. It requires that the contribution does not exceed 40% of eligible capital/operating project costs or 75% of business planning/support costs. The project is monitored for the life of the agreement to ensure the client continues to meet their contractual obligations and to determine the success of the project. Expenses prior to a signed contract are ineligible.
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Nuu-chah-nulth Contributions
Are you Nuu-chah-nulth from one of the contributing member Nations of the NTC?
NEDC has partnered with several Nuu-chah-nulth Nations and the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council to offer non-repayable contributions of up to $10,000 for entrepreneurs and up to $25,000 to community businesses.
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